Visual studio git integration
Visual studio git integration

visual studio git integration

We got multiple reports of the encoding becoming corrupted, particularly when users manually modified these files to remove excluded words. In either case, the spell-checking APIs required the exclusion file to have “UTF-16 with BOM” encoding to work correctly. Visual Studio will use the exclusion dictionary specified by the spelling_exclusion_path switch in your editorconfig file or an “exclusion.dic” file in your %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\ directory if a switch can’t be found.

visual studio git integration

Exclusion Dictionary EncodingĪnother issue many folks ran into was around the encoding of the exclusion dictionaries used by the spell checker.

visual studio git integration

Later in this post, we’ll discuss the switch we’ve added to editorconfig that can control this behavior, should users want to disable it. This should significantly reduce the number of false positives, especially when commenting out pieces of code. In this update, we’ve partnered with the C++ and C# teams to add exclusion dictionaries specific to those languages that detect words are commonly used in those languages. Words like ‘guid’ or ‘args’ are commonly found in code documents but were getting flagged as misspelled words by the spell checker. We added heuristics to compensate for how code uses those words, so constructs like HelloWorld would be properly spell checked, but developers use many words that aren’t part of our spoken languages. The spell checker uses the same dictionaries as the spoken languages that were detected. The biggest feedback we heard was concerning false positives. Otherwise, let’s dive into the exciting enhancements in Visual Studio 17.6 preview 2! Programming Language Specific Dictionaries If you’re new to the spell checker feature, check out our earlier blog post for an introduction. We’ve received an overwhelming amount of valuable feedback from developers like you, which has helped shape and refine this feature before its release to the release channel. Welcome to our latest blog post about the spell checker feature in Visual Studio 17.6 preview 2! We’re excited to share with you the latest improvements we’ve made to this feature, which was first introduced in the Visual Studio 17.5 preview releases for C#, C++, and markdown files.

Visual studio git integration